Ant Palmer

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Golden Minutes and Blue Seconds

Oh how things are different in Europe!

Photographers have chased light since the art form first took off - no light = no photo, right?

Those seeking the perfect sunset pictures in a particular location often speak of the Golden Hour, and the Blue Hour. These are time periods directly before and after sunset, usually equating to around 2 hours.

The closer you are to the equator, the shorter the ‘hours’ become.

Bear this in mind when shooting in this part of the world! I got caught out!

No time to relax and happily knock out exposures when you feel the light is looking good, sipping on the tea freshly poured from your Thermos!

The three images below, shot in Abu Dhabi, were taken 11 minutes apart! Yes, i switched positions in between - which most likely cost me a dozen shots :)

I have to plan my time MUCH better when working in this area!!