Ant Palmer

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Happy New Year!

I’m sure it’s new year somewhere, in one calendar or another….

Isn’t new year celebrated somewhere on the 1st May? In that case, i’m a bit early, sorry!

As i’ve not posted in 2022, or in 6 months and 10 days - however you want to look at it - i thought an update was long overdue.

As i write this, i realise it’s been about the same amount of time since i updated any social media. What have i been doing the last six months!?!

Anyway, here’s some insight:

If you’re a regular visitor here, you may have picked up on the fact that i’ve been hitting the paints again! There’s a collection of original paintings, and print reproductions, mostly pornographic in some way, sitting in my online shop. Where, by the way, you can still pick up Lightroom presets at a ridiculously cheap price!! Thanks for everyone who’s been buying them!

Since the start of the year, i’ve also been re-activated in the Press world! Since January, i’ve been out and about regularly for Germanys second biggest newspaper publisher.

The jobs have come thick and fast, and have been so varied! Some days i’ve felt like a high-flying snapper, others, i’ve felt like Ricky Gervais in ‘After Life’!! More will be coming on this soon!

Due to the addition of press work into my calendar, i’ve started to edge away from using Fujifilm cameras. Yup, i’m heading back to Canon! The reason for this is simple - Fujifilm’s X Series cameras, that are beautiful objects and take stunning pictures, aren’t up to press work. Slow focusing systems, and high noise thanks to their (still very capable) APS-C sensors, make the cameras unpractical for press work.

The relationship with Fuji cameras has been a good one, one that will no doubt continue, and is the basis of long-term project, of which you’ll find out more about in the next couple of weeks.

If you’re still reading at this point - thank you! You’re great! You’ll also understand, that due to the lack of my posting over the last six months, my fingers are now tired! So, i’ll sign off!

See you here again soon!
