
New Video! ThinkTank Turnstyle 20 Sling Bag

Hey guys!!

Wow! It's been a couple of weeks!! Sorry! 

If you check out my YouTube page ( you'll see i've posted a couple of editions of 'From the Photopit' in the last couple of weeks.

I've also just uploaded a review (of sorts) of the Think Tank Turnstyle 20 Convertible sling bag. I love this little bag - it's so versatile! 

The first shoot I took it on, i took all my equipment in my converted suitcase, and used the Turnstyle as a running bag, containing just what i needed for the part of the location i was shooting from, then returning to base to switch out kit as needed! Very handy!

It's also the perfect bag for shooting concerts with. It fits camera body, wide lens, tele lens and a speed light, along with a few bits and pieces. Basically everything that is required for a day shooting on a festival.

For the price (around €100 if you can find one!) it's unbeatable. 

The biggest shame is that Think Tank products are so hard to find in Europe. There are importers and dealers of course, but they add their premium to an already premium price - making the products just on the border of affordability verses usability. 

If Think Tank are out there reading this, then i'm going to selfishly request they send some of their products to me for review. If I can in anyway help to increase demand for Think Tank products in Europe then that can only be of benefit to us all, right? :)

a little magical bag of lushness

Here is a link to the video

Please give it a like, and subscribe to my channel for more! 

And don't forget kids - Sharing is Caring!


Until next time!
