
Multi 2018 - Part 1


A short update to my last post about Multi

The first week came to a close with a big event at a sportsground in Oberhause Holten. 

The visiting kids were all there, and their guest-families invited too! Bouncy castle, bucking bronco, football tournament and lots of food - no more really needs to be said!

I also had the opportunity to get the drone out again for a bit of aerial work! There'll be more coming in the next post too ;)

Week two has been a little less hectic than the first, with the program not being quite as packed as in the first week. 

As we head into the final big event, and the departure of all the visiting kids back home, it's time to start reflecting on what a great and interesting two weeks it's been. Keep an eye out for the next post!



Dark Skies Make Happy Times


Last week took me down south on a first visit to Karlsruhe. I know the football team, but given the fact i thought the city was somewhere near Hamburg just shows how much i actually knew about Karlsruhe itself.

On the agenda, shooting a rehearsal for the Kammertheater Karlsruhe. The production, Gut Gegen Nordwind. Adapted from a novel by Daniel Glattauer, it's kind of a similar take on 'You've Got Mail', just without so much of a happy ending (i won't say more).

A piece played out on stage between two actors. In this production, both known for their TV work in Germany; Ralf Bauer and Gisa Zach. 

The drive down to Karlsruhe was fairly uneventful. A bright, sunny, hot day, with the usual bad drivers and roadworks every ten minutes. 

Approaching Karlsruhe, the sky was getting darker!

Arrival - dark skies and thunder overhead - from my instastory @leapesportif

I'd made a quick google search before heading down there on what i might be able to do or see in the little time i had before the rehearsal was due to start.

I found that Karlsruhe has an amazing castle and park, with botanical gardens, right bang in the city centre! Even better, just a short walk from the theatre! 

What an amazing amount of open space to have in the centre of a city!

This place looked a perfect place to get my drone up in the air and have a look around! 

So, i arrived, and thunder was already rumbling in the distance!! I headed to the castle, unpacked, and got the drone up! 

Within a minute, the lightning was every few seconds - time to land, and quick - just the one photo shot!

The only shot from the bee. The palace, with rain already falling over the south of the city. © Ape.Photos

As i landed, the rain came down. And not just a shower, but full monsoon stuff!!! 

The ten minute walk back to the theatre, with several shelter stops in between, left me looking like i'd actually swam there!

Shelter stop number 3. Back-werk. Coffee was definitely needed!

Simone, the PR officer from the theatre was waiting for me, and as i had a now watered-down coffee in my hand already, got me a towel instead!

No matter how un-stylish you may feel, doing one's jacket up in heavy rain really makes sense!

Meeting the rest of the team there, and the cast, was a really nice experience! A great little venue, and an entertaining production!!

Stage - Set

I'm already looking forward to making another trip down there, and hopefully getting to have a proper look around!!

Oh, and the drive back - wet!

Here's a few images from the production. For more info, visit the Kammertheater Karlsruhe here.

'til next time!

Ralf Bauer © Ant Palmer/Ape.Photos

Gisa Zach. © Ant Palmer/Ape.Photos

Ralf Bauer and Gisa Zach. © Ant Palmer/Ape.Photos

Gisa Zach and Ralf Bauer. © Ant Palmer/Ape.Photos

Is TV dead?

It's Monday again! But this time, it's Monday evening! 

I don't really know the reason behind it, but most of my blogging seems to take place on a Monday. Maybe after a weekend of relaxing and reading other peoples blogs, i perhaps realise that i should be updating my own, and subconsciously that lodges in my brain on Mondays to-do list!

Or maybe i'm inspired or something.

Anyway, TV is dead. Is it? I know my 30 month old LG TV is dead (the f**kers!), and the kind folks at LG want more than i paid for it to repair it (the motherf**kers!)! but that's another matter.

What i mean is, is TV as a medium for us to watch visual content starting a decline? Nearly all of us have smartphones, and most of us have tablet computers, and those of us who have neither have computers. Those with us without computers probably don't have a TV - so it doesn't matter.

But what is making me ask the question is thinking about how my own habits have changed over the last 18 months or so when it comes to watching the custard.

My TV now lives a life almost exclusively for sport. I don't really watch anything else regularly on it other than football. However, i do consume a heap of video throughout the week. 

I'm so in to youtube, and have been for a couple of years. 

I probably discover 80% of my new music via YouTube. I would guess i watch about 20 hours a week of other content that i would describe as serious content - so proper shows or tutorial type stuff - not cats falling off things.

Then there's video on demand services such as netflix, amazon prime, BBC, etc etc. I do watch stuff on these platforms, but not much, as again most of what i do like to watch is available on YouTube.

Were it not for Youtube, my shitty LG TV would probably have died after 13 months!
