
QUICK TIP - DIY DJI Phantom Motor Protectors

QUICK TIP - DIY DJI Phantom Motor Protectors

As we were on the subject of drones in the last post, i thought i’d share a quick DIY tip with you all!

If you’re like me, and have moved away from the un-wealdly polystyrene hard-case supplied with your DJI Phantom, then you’re also probably a little concerned about how the motors react be squished inside a bag.

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Multi 2018 - Part 1


A short update to my last post about Multi

The first week came to a close with a big event at a sportsground in Oberhause Holten. 

The visiting kids were all there, and their guest-families invited too! Bouncy castle, bucking bronco, football tournament and lots of food - no more really needs to be said!

I also had the opportunity to get the drone out again for a bit of aerial work! There'll be more coming in the next post too ;)

Week two has been a little less hectic than the first, with the program not being quite as packed as in the first week. 

As we head into the final big event, and the departure of all the visiting kids back home, it's time to start reflecting on what a great and interesting two weeks it's been. Keep an eye out for the next post!



New Video: Kalbe (Milde)


Last weekend my travels took my east to Kalbe in Saxon Anhalt. This place felt like the end of the earth - no people, no cafes, no takeaways. 

Three supermarkets serving the apparent 8000 people that live in this sleepy village!

Anyways, i had time on my hand, so it was time to finally let me Osmo and Spark join forces to make a short video.

Travel light i always say. Travel light i never do.


This also represents the first time i have colour-graded footage, and used Premiere Pro - it's a touch different to using iMovie ;)

Sunset selfie

So, the results of my first foray in to Premiere Pro.....

Time on my hands, so had the Osmo and Spark working together for the first time in Saxon Anhalt. Also a first use of premiere pro. ****Thanks for watching**** It's been a pretty dead time over the last year on youtube for me, and i promise - pinky promise - that there will be more uploads coming, featuring vlogs, how-to's and reviews!

Thanks for reading! Coming soon, more behind the scenes action from the Theater Oberhausen programme shoot!

Until then...:)