live music

On Tour in Kosovo

May took me off on my jollies once again with my friends from Mottek. This time, the boys headed out to Kosovo to play two shows for the German military based in the country.

Flying out from Cologne, via Zurich to Pristina, we were greeted by hot sunshine (sunburn quickly followed) and ice cold beer, and lots of it! 

With a round of drinks and a pack of cigarettes coming in at under €10, our first evening was spent mainly in the bar!

Day two, and the band's equipment arrived on the scene. Stage and lighting arrived at Film City NATO base in Pristina for the bands first performance that night.

The outgoing contingent of troops received their medals that afternoon, and following that was beer, food, more beer and then showtime!

The following day, Saturday, the Bundeswehr packed and loaded the bands kit and shipped it over to the barracks in Prizren, about 80km away. Unload. Soundcheck. Repeat. Another rocking night of beer and fun!

Kosovo is an unusual place. Still rebuilding following the war there, the beautiful landscape, with snow-capped mountains, is punctuated by half built houses. Lots of them too! The motorways have zebra crossings (dangerous) which no-one really bothers to use to cross the carriageway (even more dangerous). Commerce in the country seems to revolves around three things: petrol stations, furniture stores and fake goods! Every second building is a petrol station, and it seems right next door to every one of them is a furniture store.

If you're in the market for a new Rolex, Kosovo is the place to go! You'll pick up the latest Submariner and have change from a 20!

Four flights, a great weekend, great friends, two great gigs, far too much beer! Looking forward to going back at some point in the future!! 

Check Mottek out near you! 

Here's some pictorial evidence from the weekend!

Photostrip - Disturbed - Live 16.02.2017, Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf

Supporting Avenged Sevenfold last week in Düsseldorf, Disturbed had a good shot at stealing the show!! Plenty of fire and metal here!!

Photostrip - Avenged Sevenfold - Live 16.02.2017, Mitusbishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf

A change of genre for me last week! Something more heavier on the cards, but man, these guys were incredible to shoot! Could photograph this band again and again!!


Photostrip - The Naked and Famous - Live 07.02.2017, Die Kantine, Cologne

The Naked and Famous are currently touring Europe supporting the release of their most recent album 'Simple Forms'. 

I shot the bands Cologne performance for Coolibri Magazine, and also managed to get a backstage shoot with the groups singer Alisa.

Here's the photos from the show. Enjoy!

Photostrip - Von Brücken - Live 13.01.2017, Kulturkirche, Cologne

Guys!! It's been forever!!

Sorry it's taken so long to get a post up in 2017 - things have been so busy! Anyway! Thanks to my friends over at Monkeypress for getting these pictures out into the world - i've edited a few more too!

So, the first show of the year was at the Kulturkirche in Cologne. I've been wanting to shoot this venue for a while, and Von Brücken coming to town was the perfect opportunity! So, enjoy, leave a comment, and come back soon for more! I promise i'll post again next week!

Photostrip - The Human League - Live 15.11.2016, Live Music Hall, Cologne

Hey guys,

This week saw me head back to Cologne to shoot The Human League in concert! I was totally ill, and only managed to hang around until the first three songs were done and i was out of the pit! Shame, as the start of the show was really cool!

Here's some pics folks! Until next time!

Photostrip - Warpaint - Live 30.10.2016, Live Music Hall, Cologne

Hi everyone! 

Well, there's dark gigs, and you know, theres DARK gigs. Gigs where not only are you risking life and limb walking through the photo pit, but also not getting much in the way of fruits for your perilous labour. 

Well, last weekend Warpaint gig in Cologne was one such event!

Toil and trouble (as it was the night before hallowe'en) led to not too much in the way of keepers! Sometime's i really wonder if bands are interested in their marketing at all? I mean presumably they do want people to see what they get up to on stage? I'm sometimes not sure if they do. Although, in all fairness - there aren't that many live images of Warpaint around, so maybe thats the reason why. I may not have the most light-sensitive camera (there's much better available), but for future reference, should i shoot this band again, i'll need to hire some night-vision-aparatus!! 

Anyway - moan over - here's some pics!
